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Sunday, January 5, 2014

Reach your potential football performance using this app

Hey, guys and girls.

I want to share this app that I've been using recently and I am currently very impressed by. Its called SportsPsych Performance Coach the app is essentially an interactive journal, which gives you a correlation feedback on your performance, you can use it to get in ''the zone''  before playing matches/ training. It comes with a few articles on sports psychology, which i recommend you to look at.

The screenshot above is the home screen of the app for Android, to record your results you simply go to Journal Entry  and fill out the rest. The variables measured are SATISFACTION , INTENSITY ,FOCUS. Later an evaluation is given on after a reasonable amount of entries have been made. For people with better maths skills there is also a fancy graph to look at along with Standart Deviation and Median to look at, but you don't need it.

Another plus for the app is it gives you tips on how to improve and after taking a basic test it gives you in order the psychological variables that affect your game on the image above these are Motivation followed by Intensity Training, Mindfulness and lastly Imagery Practice. At the end of each entry you can also give a motivational quote to keep you going chosen from the database the app has.

The app is currently free on the Android Market with a rating of 4.7 and is given feedback by mainly athletes as you can see on the official Android Market website -
Unfortunately the app is not on the App Store, but there is a substitute for it for the price of £0.69, I still have no information for the marketplace, but I will keep you updated. 


Good luck! 

''Knowledge is true opinion.''

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